Hi my blog-friends.
I continuing to design DVD covers to make sure that all my
photobook-sets will have matching sets of covers.
So today I also
for you my new set of DVD Covers for vertical-oriented boxes in the
same style
with my phtobook-templates "One style Pack #6" and "One style Pack #4" and also Your DVD Cover Vol.14 (the set for horizontal oriented boxes)
with my phtobook-templates "One style Pack #6" and "One style Pack #4" and also Your DVD Cover Vol.14 (the set for horizontal oriented boxes)
Your DVD Cover Vol.15
Available at PBP
The set contains
3 layered templates for creating gorgeous
covers and labels of your disk!
- 1 cover template
- and 2 labels template
All templates include styles for each layer (not only sketch) and other properties. Just add your photos!
Adapted for standard size of DVD disk.
All templates are in 3 versions:
PSD, TIF and PNG. Use the format which is comfortable for you.
And also you'll find a bundle-set in my shop included 2 sets for vertical and horizontal DVD-covers:
DVD Covers Collection #6
This is bundle-pack,
2 sets
in one general style:
Your DVD Cover Vol.14 (for horizontal -oriented main photos)
Your DVD Cover Vol.15 (for vertical -oriented main photos)
Your DVD Cover Vol.14 (for horizontal -oriented main photos)
Your DVD Cover Vol.15 (for vertical -oriented main photos)
So now it is very easy to create your beautiful and stylish DVD disk!
Now it is much simpler to choose a favorite picture, regardless of
horizontal it or vertical orientation!
The pack contains
5 layered templates for creating gorgeous
covers and labels of your disk!
- 2 covers templates
- and 3 labels templates